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Friday, April 6, 2012

Governor Christie Visits Jerusalem: The Whale at the Wailing Wall!

Governor Christie Visits Jerusalem: The Whale at the Wailing Wall!

On 4 April 2012, The New York Post reported on New Jersey Governor Christie's visit to Jerusalem ( )
and the headline read "The Whale at the Wailing Wall." Republican Rep. Codey complained about the article, which went on to say "the governor made a huge impression at the holy site" and "Governor Christie brought his heft to Israel."

How much did this trip cost the tax payers of New Jersey? In the end, this trip only served the Governor, first off to further his delusions of one day being our republic's largest president ever, and second, as an Easter vacation to the Holy Land for him and his chubby little family. If Codey, or any one else, has complaints about the way Christie is poked fun of and critisized, take ten breaths and admit that his arrogance and cockiness, not to mention his sloppy style and mean demeanor, breeds the attacks. He invites it by being a horse's ass (or maybe a Rhino's ass?).
Geesh. What a hypocrite will do (and how many tax dollars he will spend) to get a political photo op!

Governor Christie

When Christie goes to prison he'll assume this position on a frequent basis.

The Botero-like Governor Christie's obesity is a sign of his spiritual sloth

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Welcome to the revolution in New Jersey

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